Monday, January 21, 2008

Shitty First Drafts

This morning I read Anne Lamott's essay called "Shitty First Drafts". It made me think about what kind of writing style I have. She argued that almost everyone’s first draft to an essay is not that good. I would have to agree with her because the first drafts of my essays are never that good. I often revise my essays multiple times, but the overall process never takes to long. I begin by typing out the first draft on a computer. I then read it a few times on the computer screen and revise it as needed. For the second part the revision process I print out the essay and read through it. It is at this point that I make the majority of changes to my writing. I repeat the second step as needed until I am ready to print out my final draft.
To me this writing process mainly applies to creating essays. Bogging on the internet is different from writing essays because reading a blog is far more personal than reading something from a textbook. I feel that a blog does need to be revised a little bit, but not as much as an essay. Due to the personal feel of blogs a simple spell check is all I feel a short rant should get. This is because blogs are meant to briefly talk about things that are going on in ones life, and are not official because they are not going to be published or anything. However, if I were to post an entire essay online I would do the revising that I previously stated.

1 comment:

Miss Villegas said...

The revision process you use for essays sounds ideal. There are so many mistakes we can catch if we just put in a little time to read through the essay (especially aloud). We're going to talk about how blogs are becoming an important and powerful means of communication. Maybe you'll change your mind about the fuction of blogs once we discuss how they make an impact in politics, business, and success in many fields.

What is your favorite movie out of the four listed below?