Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Matrix Has You

"Open you mind," said Morpheus from the Matrix. This is something that many people have problems doing. For instance many people don’t realize or down right refuse to believe that things actually make them close minded. For instance if I where to ask someone if they believe that there could be a government conspiracy going on and they were to say immediately no, then they are closed minded because they did not even consider the possibility of there being more to the world. The same would be true if I asked the same person any of the following were real and they were to immediately without any reason say no:
zombies, vampires, werewolves, the matrix itself, elves, hobbits, dwarves, dragons, wizards, witches, warlocks, magic, secret civilian societies, extraterrestrial life, intergalactic space travel (the ability to travel from star to star), super heroes, your own super powers, time travel, alternate realities, monsters, mechs, giant robots, talking animals, ancient ruins, star gates, star trek, star wars, battle star galactica, firefly (the show), futuristic weapons, dinotopia (yes it is what it sounds like), ect...
Most people won't even accept that these things could be real. I know for a fact that if I were to discover that vampires existed then I would let myself get bitten and become one, or if I learned that there was a way that I could travel to another star or planet I most certainly would.
Like in the story "The Allegory of the Cave" Plato talked about if there really was more to the world than there seemed. I'm sure he could have accepted any of the things I listed above, but he was also talking about other more smaller things that in a sense blind me from the truth of the world. For instance when I see a homeless guy walking down the street I instinctively make sure to keep my distance from him. This is because society has told me that the general homeless guy is to be stayed away from. For a long while I believed this, however I now know that this is not true. Society has blinded me from the truth that this homeless guy is just like me, but going through some very hard times and needs help.
Overall The Matrix and "the Allegory of The Cave" shows that there is more to the world than there seems. Whether it is a very small thing such as who to interact with or something huge like the existence of mythical creatures, we are blinded by from the truth of the world. It is our duty to find out what real is true about our world. I search everyday for that truth. I am ready to, "Free my mind."

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