Thursday, February 28, 2008

Star Wars and The Allegory of The Cave

Star Wars

The Allegory of the Cave

The Allegory of The Cave and Star Wars have many similarities as well as many differences. However, for synthesizing purposes we will mainly look a the similarities of the two texts. Both the texts to some point both deal with the idea of opening your mind because there is more out there. In The Allegory of The Cave the one of the prisoners in the cave learns that there is more out there in the world by leaving the cave. In Star Wars Episode 4, A new hope, Luke Skywalker learns that there is more to the world and his powers when obi won kenobi teaches Luke about the Force. Luke previously didn't know much about the force and when he learned about it, it greatly added to his knowledge of the world.
When I Synthesize these two forms of media I will focus on the fact that there is more to the world than we think. Both The Allegory of the Cave and Star Wars focus on it to some point.
The big difference to these two forms of media are that The Allegory of the Cave completely focuses on the idea of there being more out there. Star Wars not only focuses on the idea that there is more out there but also deals with topics about war, quests, the greater good, love, intergalactic space travel, and much more.


sl07 said...

I think that synthesizing Star Wars and The Allegory of The Cave was an excellant idea. I myself would have never put the two together and i give you kudos for being able to do so. Now I have only seen the movie Star Wars episode 1, so I guess I am not fully understanding of the whole Star Wars story, but the way you explained it in your blog made it easy for me to see how the two texts can relate together. I think your synthesis paper will turn out very nicely if you choose to stick to synthesizing these two texts!

Belle said...

I like how you came up with the connection from The Allegory of the Cave and Star Wars! but I have never seen Star Wars or read the books and I couldn't connect with what you were reading because you had no Hyper Links for me to go and learn about Star Wars! Have a great day!

What is your favorite movie out of the four listed below?