Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Flagstaff... it is boring

So I transferred up to Flagstaff thinking that it would be much like my old school just with a academic program I would be more into. The 2nd part of my prediction was correct, The Electronic Media and Film major is much more entertaining than any of the programs I had been in at U of A. However, I have found the city of Flagstaff to be much more boring than I could have imagined. I mean everything closes at 9, and even if things didn’t close at 9 there would still be nothing to do. The only kind of businesses Flagstaff seems to have are food places in which to eat. I wish Flagstaff had more than just food places. I have not been able to find any places (other than Harkins Theater) to hang out at. Ah, but that brings about another good point. There is no point for me to hang out at Harkins Theater (mainly the arcade) when I have no one to hang out with. I only know a couple of people (total of 2) at NAU, and I rarely see them. I guess I also know a few Joe Smo's here and there, but do those people really count? Though I like the academic programs here at NAU I can't help but feel lonely here.
It feels really weird being here. I mean when I left U of A, I was fairly popular. I knew at least 20 people on a first AND last name biases. I could honestly say that I was really good friends with at least 10 of those people. And that’s not counting at least 50 Joe Smo people that I also would find hanging around the Underground. For those of you that don't know, the Underground at U of A is the central meeting point for several groups of gamers, nerds, geeks, ect...
Anyways, I guess I'm done ranting. lol, I guess I was so bored that I wrote this. I usually don't write notes unless I am really bored. Back to homework...

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